
Thursday, August 15, 2024

W.J. Harrington's Farm, His Service as Register of Deeds, Aug. 15, 1924

W.J. Harrington

Anybody who has traveled the road between Carthage and Glendon has probably noted the big white house standing in the forks of the road where the Horseshoe trail leaves the road for Glendon, for at that point W.J. Harrington has made one of the most attractive places of Moore county. His land embraces many hundreds of acres, and includes some of the best farming and grazing soils in this part of the State. There the fortunate possessor has raised many a big crop of various staples, hay and forage being conspicuous in the list.

Mr. Harrington has carried on lumber operations on a rather large scale when lumber was more plentiful, and lumbering conditions more attractive, and that with his farming has made him a conspicuous figure in the upper part of the county. Until James Barber bought Lakeview Mr. Harrington carried on the amusement business there during the summer season, and made many friends by his cordiality and his way of handling the enterprises. With his retirement from that occupation he went to the farm and took a little flier in politics, being named as register of deeds by the Moore county democrats.

The front page of the Pilot, Friday, Aug. 15, 1924

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