
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Young Men Face Jury for Imprisoning Princeton Girl, Aug. 24, 1924

Three Young Men Face Jury Monday. . . Trio Charged with Having Imprisoned Young Princeton Girl in House Near City for Immoral Purposes, to Go On Trial

At the opening of the second week of a two-week’s session of Wayne superior court tomorrow morning, unless some unexpected delay occurs, the case of the State vs Fitzhugh Lee, Parrot Cade and Claud Sullivan, charged with having imprisoned Alice Rose, a Princeton girl in buildings near this city, some two or three months ago, and forcing her to have immoral relations with members of the opposite sex will be taken up.

This case was to have been taken up last week but was supplanted by two others. However, witnesses have been summoned to be on hand tomorrow morning at the opening of the day’s session.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, Aug. 24, 1924

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