
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

All Southern Families Should Strive to Have 22 or 16 Children, Says Newspaper, Sept. 25, 1924

38 Children in Just Two Families in Duplin County

There are two families living at Chinquapin in Duplin County, North Carolina, who have a total of 38 children. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradham have 22 children, all living, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker have 16. These two families reside in about two miles of each other.

If the other married couples in Duplin County follow the pace set by these parents, Duplin will be the thickliest populated county in the State of North Carolina.

The Bradhams and Walkers are ardent believers in the doctrines enunciated by the late Theodore Roosevelt.

All Southern States need more Bradhams and Walker.

From the front page of the Carolina Jeffersonian, Raleigh N.C., September 25, 1924.

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