
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cooper, Rourk Guilty of Mishandling Bank Money, Sept. 15, 1924

Cooper and Rourk Have Plead Guilty. . . Charges Grow Out of Alleged Violations of State Banking Laws

Wilmington, Sept. 11—Thomas E. Cooper and Joseph C. Rourk, president and cashier, respectively, of the Liberty Savings Bank, through their attorneys, W.F. Jones, Herbert McClammy and C.D. Weeks, today tendered pleas of guilty to the misdemeanor charges and pleas of forcibly trespass to the felony charges in connection with their alleged violations of the state banking laws, and their pleas were accepted by Solicitor Woodus Kellum.

Judge Henry A. Grady set Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock for disposal of the cases, at which time he told Solicitor Kellum he would hear him in a review of the testimony that would have to be offered in the case had come to trial.

From page 2 of The Concord Times, Monday, September 15, 1924

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