
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Home Demonstration Corner by Edna Reinhardt, Sept. 25, 1924

Home Demonstration Corner

By Miss Edna Reinhardt, County Home Demonstration Agent

The curb market is still succeeding. Beginning next week there will be no market on Wednesday, but the Saturday market will continue through the winter. Let us see what Alamance can do in the way of winter gardens.


Beginning October 7th, tonsil and adenoid clinics will be held by the State Health Department for four days. This clinic will be held in Graham and about 25 children will be operated on each day. If your child needs treatment, avail yourself of this opportunity. Sen din your application to the State nurse who is now in Graham.


As most of the special summer work is over the Home Demonstration Clubs will resume their regular meetings. Following is a schedule for the next two weeks:

Wednesday p.m., Sept. 24, King’s.

Thursday p.m., Spring.

Friday p.m., Oakdale, Night, Swepsonville.

Tuesday, Sept. 30, Friendship.

Wednesday, Oct. 1st, Sylvan.

Thursday, Salem.


The list of prizes given in the Home Improvement contest will be published next week. Watch for this list.

From page 4 of the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Sept. 25, 1924

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