
Monday, September 2, 2024

Lightning Strike Kills Gilmore Pickett Inside Ticket Office, Sept. 3, 1924

High Point Fireman Killed by Lightning in Storm Yesterday. . . Gilmore Pickett Had Taken Refuge in Ticket Office at Ball Park When Struck. . . No One There at the Time

High Point, Sept. 2—Gilmore Pickett, High Point fireman, was killed instantly by lightning at Welch baseball park here this afternoon. The Winston-High Point game, scheduled to be played here, had been postponed because of rain, and Pickett entered the ticket office under the grandstand for protection against the storm. He apparently had leaned against a metal box in which the telephone rested when struck by lightning.

Baseball players and a few fans in the grandstand above heard the crash and hurried to the ticket box where they found Pickett’s body on the floor. No persons were in the ticket office at the time he was killed. His chest and neck were badly burned by the lightning. –Daily News

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Wednesday, September 3, 1924

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