
Friday, September 27, 2024

Local News Briefs from Lumberton, Sept. 29, 1924

Items of Local News

--Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Wooten, Saturday, a boy, W.J.

--Robeson chapter U.D.C. will meet Thursday afternoon at 4:30 with Mrs. T.F. Costner.

--Rev. J.L. Rumley, pastor of the Methodist church at Maxton, entered the Baker sanatorium Thursday for a few days’ treatment.

--The tabernacle building on Walnut street, used during the Stephens meeting, was sold at auction Friday by the finance committee of the campaign. Mr. H.B. Jennings was the high bidder, paying $530.

--Mr. Oscar Britt has opened a news, cigar, and cold drink stand in the Caldwell building occupied by the Star barber shop. He handles all State daily newspapers, leading magazines and periodicals and a well known line of smokes.

--Rev. W.D. Combs, former pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle church of Lumberton, arrived Saturday from his present home in Oneida, N.Y. He came as a witness in the case involving the will of the late E.E. Page. Mr. Combs has many warm friends in Lumberton who are glad to welcome him here again.

--The condition of Mr. S. McIntyre, who underwent a serious operation at the Charlotte sanatorium several days ago, is reported as very much improved. Mrs. McIntyre went to Charlotte yesterday and will remain with him for a few days. She was accompanied by Messrs. Robert McInture and R.C. Lawrence, who returned last night.

--An accident Saturday afternoon at the corner of West Fifth and Water streets caused some excitement, a Ford touring car and a Dodge touring car being slightly damaged. The driver of the Dodge appeared to have been in faulty by turning to the left into Water street as the Ford was approaching and having the right-of-way. No one was injured.

--Rosh Hashana, Jewish New Year, began last evening at sunset. The New Year festival, which orthodox congregations observe for two days, is being observed here today and tomorrow. Stores of local Jews are closed for these two days. It is the beginning of the year 5,685 by Jewish reckoning.

--The new high school building in Red Springs will be located on the site next to the present school building, instead of where Hotel Red Springs now stands, the Red Springs Citizen reports, as the result of the plebiscite held last week. A bond issue of $75,000 recently was voted for this new high school building.

--Solicitor T.A. McNeill has taken over the lease of the offices on the second floor of the First National Bank building, recently vacated by the law firm of Johnson, Johnson & MeLeod, and will use the front room for his official office, the office formerly provide in the court house for the solicitor being occupied by the county farm demonstrator. The office next to the front Mr. McNeill will use for his farm superintendent, Mr. Arch. Morrison. The law office of McNeill and Hackett, of which firm Solicitor McNeill is senior member, will remain on the second floor of the old National Bank of Lumberton building.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Monday, September 29, 1924 -=-

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