
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mrs. John Stephens, 92, Recalls Four Jails of Cleveland, Sept. 16, 1924

Has Seen the Four Jails of Cleveland

Mrs. John F. Stephens age 92 years, who spent most of her life in Shelby is here on a visit with relatives from Muskogee, Oklahoma, where she is making her home now with her daughter, Mrs. S.E. Gidney. She is here with Mr. and Mrs. Gidney for a while, coming last week from Washington, D.C., where she has been visiting. Mrs. Stephens remembers the four jails of Cleveland county has had. The first jail was a log structure, the next was a brick affair situated where Charlie Laughridge’s home now stands, while the third jail now stands, but is being replaced by a new $80,000 structure on the east side of the present jail. Mrs. Stephens, although 92 years of age, has a clear mind and active body for one of her advanced years.

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, September 16, 1924

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