
Friday, September 6, 2024

Mystery Woman Is Former Governess, Sept. 7, 1924

Mystery Woman at Wilmington Known

By the Associated Press

Wilmington, N.C., Sept. 6—The mystery surrounding Rosalie Cecilie Kelly, held by the local police on a larceny charge, was exploded early today when the woman was identified as a discharged governess of Mrs. Louise Wise Lewis of Wilmington and White Sulphur Springs.

Arraigned in the recorder’s court this morning, she was found guilty on a charge of possessing liquors, but judgment was suspended until Monday.

No evidence having been introduced to show that the $4,000 worth of jewelry in her possession was stolen, the bond was cut from $10,000 to $1,000, which she failed to arrange and went back to the stockade.

Possession of $14,000 in cancelled checks drawn by Mrs. Lewis on a New York bank led to the discovery of her identity.

From the front page of the Sunday Durham Morning Herald, Sept. 7, 1924

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