
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

News from Georgia Neighbors in Franklin Press, Sept. 5, 1924

Tugalo (Tugaloo?) News

By “A Country Girl”

Tugalo, Ga., Sept. 1—We are having some hot, dry weather at this writing.

Mrs. Fraze Taylor and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W.M. Officer.

Misses Geneve and Nellie Taylor returned home Wednesday from Atlanta, Ga., where they have been visiting for several weeks.

Mr. Allen Wilson was the guest of Mr. Fraze Taylor Sunday night.

Mrs. Fraze Taylor and little daughter returned home Wednesday from Demorest, Ga., where they have been visiting Mrs. Taylor’s mother-in-law, Mrs. F.F. Taylor.

We a glad to know that Miss Margaret Edwards is getting some better from a fall that she got last Friday.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. Horace Dryman is sick with the mumps.

Miss Hattie May Fry spent Saturday afternoon with Misses Geneva and Nellie Taylor.

From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., Sept. 5, 1924. Nellie Taylor’s sister’s first name was spelled Geneve in the third entry and Geneva in the last entry. I couldn’t find a Tugalo, Ga., but I did find a Tugaloo, Ga.

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