
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

News from Tabor in the News Reporter, Sept. 11, 1924

Happenings in Thriving Town of Tabor. . . Musical Friday Night; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Baldwin’s Baby Home From Wilmington Hospital; Personal Items

Tabor, N.C., September 10—Dr. L. Baggett was a visitor in Wilmington last week.

Miss Anna Bell Floyd left Tuesday morning for Red Springs where she will enter her senior year at Flora McDonald College.

Mr. M.N. Jenkins and little daughter, Helen, were visitors in the city last week.

Mrs. E.W. Fonville has as her guest her sister, Mrs. Lee Bennett, from Onslow county.

Mr. B.B. Anderson of Mullins, S.C., spent Monday night with Mr. W.B. Roberts.

Mr. D.E. Canady of Bug Hill is visiting is son Mr. J.J. Canady.

We are all looking forward to the musical to be given in the school auditorium Friday night. It will be given for the benefit of the Methodist church.

Miss Dorothea Hughs left Tuesday morning for Durham, where she will be a student at the Durham conservatory of Music.

Mr. Albert Bryant left Wednesday morning for Greenville, S.C., to attend the Bailey Institute.

Mr. Horace Bass, who has been here during tobacco season, has left for his home in Danville, Va., where he will enter school.

Mr. “Stumps” Walden motored to South Boston, Va., Saturday and returned Sunday.

Mrs. D.J. Hughes and children spent last week-end with her mother in Proctorville.

Rev. R.G.L. Edwards and family returned home Saturday from Onslow county, where Mr. Edwards has been conducting a series of revival meetings.

There was a fish fry given at Pireway Wednesday for our school teachers and tobacco men.

Mr. Roland Baldwin returned home from Wilmington last Sunday with her baby, who has been seriously ill at the Baby Hospital. Since her return the baby has not been doing so well, and they are fearful of having to take her back. We all home for the dear little one a speedy recovery.

From the front page of the News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 11, 1924

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