
Friday, September 13, 2024

Should Soda Fountains Use Common Drinking Cup? Sept. 14, 1924

Aldermen Will Decide Fate of Drinking Cup. . . City Dads Will Tomorrow Night Say Whether or Not Fountain Operators in Goldsboro Can Continue to Use Common Drinking Glass or Whether They shall Use the Sanitary Container Exclusively at Their Founts

Tomorrow night the city fathers are to decide once and for all the fate of the common drinking glass, which has for years been in use at the soda fountains of this city, and bring to an end the much mooted controversy, which has been waging for the past several weeks.

The ordinance relative to the use of sanitary containers at all local soda foundains went into effect on the first of the month. The operators of several of the fountains registered a protest against the compulsory use of the same, and appeared before the board at the last meeting, in defense of their side.

Discussion pro and con was rife, and the result of the matter was the aldermen held the ordinance in abeyance for a period of two weeks, starting which time the operators of the fountains were told to get together with the health authorities and to see if some amicable solution of their problems could not be worked out.

However, it seems that there has been no getting together on the subject. The health officials assert that the sanitary drinking cup is the one thing that must be used, and tomorrow night they will marshal their forces before the board in an effort to convince that august body that such is the case. It is understood that the medical society members will appear, as will representatives of several woman’s organizations in the city.

It is likely, it is pointed out, that the fountain operators will appear again in defense of their position, and indications are that a happy time will be had by all.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, September 14, 1924

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