
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Silas McBee, Born in Lincolnton, Dies in Charleston, S.C., Sept. 8, 1924

Silas McBee Dies at Home in Charleston

Charleston, S.C., Sept. 3—Silas McBee, formerly editor of The Churchman and of The Constructive Quarterly, one of the most prominent laymen of the Episcopal Church, died here today in his 70th year. For the past two years he has lived in retirement. He is survived by a widow, one son and two daughters. He will be buried at Sewanee, Tenn., where she spent some years as student and trustee for the University of the South. Mr. McBee was the author of many articles on Christianity and of a book recounting interviews had by him with the heads of all the organized churches in Christendom during a tour he made of Europe and the Near East.

Born in Lincolnton

New York, Sept. 3—Dr. Silas McBee, who died today at Charleston, S.C., served as editor of The Churchman from 1895 to 1912. He later founded and edited the Constructive Quarterly. He was a member of the continuation committee of the world missionary conference. Dr. McBee was born in Lincolnton, N.C.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Monday, September 8, 1924

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