
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Son of the Late John Frink is Grocer in Miami, Fla., Sept. 11, 1924

A few days since we received a letter through the editor of the News Reporter from Mr. James Solomon Frink, who is engaged in the grocery business at Miami, Fla. He, having seen our name in a recent issue of the paper, and thinking we might be some of his relatives, wrote the editor for information. Mr. Frink was ?? in this county between Cristo and Cerro Gordon, on the W.C.—A. Railroad, and will doubtless be remembered by the older inhabitants from that and other parts of the county. He was a son of the late John Frink, but has not visited his old home in 20 years. So many changes have taken place during this time in that part of Columbus county, it is doubtful if he would recognize it as his old home.

He has one son in this state, who is Division Auditor of the S.A.L.R.R. at Raleigh.

Our people in this section of the county are very much pleased with the prospect of a highway along the right-of-way of the Conway branch of the A.C.L. from Tabor, leading through Clarendon to Chadbourn. There is probably no section in greater need of a road than this and it is hoped that the honorable board of county commissioners will have this proposed road built at once.

From the front page of the News Reporter, Whiteville, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 11, 1924

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