
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Three Auto Thieves in Wayne Jail, Sept. 23, 1924

Three Auto Thieves Held in Wayne Jail. . . Sheriff Grant of the Opinion That Stealing of Automobiles Is Becoming Most Popular Pastime

Automobile thievery is becoming a popular pastime with the crooks in this city and section, according to Sheriff Grant, who last night sent deputy sheriff Rhodes to Southport to take into custody Clarence Davis, white, and another youth whose name was not learned, who admitted stealing an automobile in this city Saturday night and driving it to a point near that place, where it was burned up. Just who the car was owned by is not known.

Friday night two negroes were placed under arrest by Sheriff Grant and are now being held by the sheriff on the charge of stealing a Studebaker automobile owned by Mr. Howell M. Baker of Richmond, Va. The negroes drove the car from Richmond to Goldsboro and attempted to sell it here for $25. They admit that the car is not their own, but claim that a white man gave it to them to go after a load of whiskey for him.

Another negro, hailing from Michigan, was picked up here a few days ago after he had tried to sell a touring car of popular make for $25. He denies stealing the machine, but cannot prove his ownership of the same.

From the front page of the Goldsboro News, September 23, 1924

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