
Friday, September 13, 2024

Tobacco Farmers Will Have Money in Their Pockets, Sept. 14, 1924

Did You Get Your Share of This Money, Mr. Merchant?

Warehouse operators in Goldsboro yesterday “cast account” and found that since the opening of the market on September 2nd, they had paid out $187,127.98 for tobacco which had been sold on the floors of the local warehouses.

Without a doubt the majority of this money has been or will be spent in Goldsboro. Without a doubt many of the progressive merchants of this city have already received a goodly share of this sum and others will get a share later on.

And this is only a small portion of the total amount which will be paid out to the growers who sell on the floors of the warehouses in Goldsboro.

It is, therefore, an easy matter for local merchants to see that all that is necessary for them to do in order to get their share of this money is to go after the business and this can best be done through the medium of newspaper advertising.

The Goldsboro News thoroughly covers the rural section of Wayne county. It is read each day by several thousand persons and an advertisement carried in its columns is read by each and every one of these.

Now is the time for the merchants of Goldsboro to go after the business of these tobacco growers as never before. Thell them what you have to offer, state prices and invite them to your place of business. Do this and get your share of the trade that is coming to this city.

The lead editorial in the Goldsboro News, Sunday morning, September 14, 1924. R.F. Beasley, Editor

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