
Friday, September 20, 2024

Tribute Paid Ebbie Howell, Sept. 21, 1924

Tribute Is Paid to Ebbie Howell

Oxford, Sept. 20—the funeral services for J. Ebbie Howell, 64, who died early Friday morning, was held this morning from the home of the deceased on Raleigh street, with Rev. E.M. Snipes, pastor of the Oxford Methodist church officiating and with Rev. F.F. Comerford, pastor of the Oxford Presbyterian church officiating. The services were concluded at the grave in Elmwood cemetery by the Oxford Lodge of Odd Fellows, Past Grand Master B.S. Royster acting master of ceremonies. General Royster spoke a very fitting eulogy to the deceased. In this he said: “If the term ‘Good Man’ could be justly applied to any individual in Oxford Ebbie Howell is the deserver of it.” The services were concluded with the benediction pronounced by Rev. E.M. Snipes, the pastor of the deceased. Many flowers and a host of friends with bowed heads were in evidence as a must expression of the esteem in which Mr. Howell was held in the community.

The active pallbearers were as follows: B.S. Royster, J.S. King, A.A. Hicks, Dr. E.T. White, H.G. Cooper, J.R. Hall, W.Z. Mitchell, and A.H. Powell. The deacons of the Oxford Methodist church acted as honorary pallbearers.

From page 2 of the Sunday Durham Herald, Sept. 21, 1924

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