
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

White Hill News in Moore County Paper, Sept. 18, 1924

News of White Hill

On September 1st Mr. Louis Key and Miss Ruby Edwards were happily married in South Carolina. Mrs. Key is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Edwards and a pretty brunette school girl. Mr. Key is a prosperous young farmer of Lemon Springs section. We wish for them much happiness through life.

Miss Cleta Jackson is able to resume her school work after two weeks illness with deep cold and grippe.

Mrs. Sam Whitaker has returned from High Point.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Key of near Lemon Springs spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edwards.

Miss Ruth Matthews was carried to C.C. Hospital Saturday, where she will undergo an operation.

Rev. W.L. Wilson preached his first sermon at White Hill Sunday. On account of the rain a small congregation was present. He will preach again here the fourth Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

From the front page of the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., Thursday, September 18, 1924


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