
Saturday, December 14, 2024

Ashamed of Her Poverty, Isabel Montgomery Commits Suicide, Dec. 15, 1924

Mrs. Isabel Montgomery of High Point Dead. . . Body Found in Offices of the Knights of the Mystic Circle, Inc., of Charlotte

By the Associated Press

Charlotte, Dec. 15—Mrs. Isabel Montgomery, said to have been a resident of High Point, was found dead seated at a table in the offices of the Knights of the Mystic Circle, Inc., here today. Her face was lying in a cloth saturated with a sleep producing drug. Police said she had committed suicide.

Indications were, the police said, that the woman had been dead more than 36 hours. The body was discovered shortly after 9 o’clock this morning by F.H. Robinson, owner of the building, I which the office is located, ad C. Lyman, general knight and organizer for the society. She had apparently entered the office Saturday afternoon after it has been closed for the week-end.

Mrs. B.J. Swinson with whom she roomed here, said today that she believed that Mrs. Montgomery killed herself because she did not want to let her poverty be known, and would not accept assistance.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Dec. 15, 1924

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