
Monday, December 16, 2024

Elizabeth City Personals, Dec. 17, 1924


Mrs. Pross Sawyer of Durants Neck passed through the city Monday en route to Philadelphia to visit her brother, Jimmy Gregory.

Mrs. W.T. Phipps, who has been ill at her home on Ehringhaus street for the past two weeks, is improving.

Mrs. J.L. Tucker of Hertford was in the city Monday visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Sawin and children, Mardell, Irving, and Walter, motored to Hertford Sunday.

Will Stanton and Thom Herrell spent Sunday with friends at Norfolk.

Mrs. O.E. McPherson is visiting relatives at South Mills.

Miss Ina Mae LeRoy, member of the school faculty at Gastonia, is here to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. LeRoy.

Mrs. Raymond Davis left Tuesday for Rocky Mount to spend a few days with her sister Mrs. Charles Houghton.

W.C. Holden of Wendell is visiting Mrs. D.M. Jones, 215 West Main street.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Brock returned Monday from New York, where they have been for several days.

F.H. Whaley of Camden was in the city on business Tuesday.

Dr. R.B. Davis, Germantown Hospital, Philadelphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Morris at their home, Westmoreland, Weeksville.

Miss Lou Williams, City Route, was in the city Tuesday.

Mrs. Claude Perry continues seriously ill at her home on Pennsylvania avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Barnette have returned from Rocky Mount where they were called to the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. Charles Boughton, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis.

Clarence Midgett of Manns Harbor spent the weekend in the city.

E.T. Jones has returned from a business trip to Northern cities.

Mrs. Rastus Wescott of Manteo spent Saturday in the city shopping.

From page 3 of The Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, 1924

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