
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Grandview Notes in Cherokee Scout, Dec. 26, 1924


Mr. John Davidson of Canton spent the week-end with his brother-in-law, B.P. Lovingood.

Miss Minnie Davis, who is attending school at Murphy, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Davis.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lovingood left for Maryville, Tenn., Wednesday, where they will make their home for the next year.

Miss Mary Lou Gentry spent the week-end in Murphy with her sister, Miss Elva Gentry, and Mrs. Sheridan Dickey.

Miss Delnora Beaver has been the guest of Miss Mazie Dockery of Murphy for the past week.

Miss Essie Lovingood has returned from Madisonville, Tenn., where she has been visiting relatives.

Mr. Vernon Lovingood was a visitor at Owl Creek Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Frank McDonald had the misfortune of getting his leg shot last Thursday night.

The Grandview school is progressing nicely under the good management of Mr. Bent Sneed of Tomotla and Miss Annie Baxter of Marble.

Mr. Pat Stevenson has returned from Oklahoma where he has been visiting friends and relatives.

Mr. Edward Lovingood left for relatives.

Mr. Glenn Vandiver of Murphy was a visitor here Sunday.

Grandview is wide-awake and on both feet now.

From page 2 of the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, Dec. 26, 1924

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