
Friday, December 27, 2024

Martha Jones, 11, Shot Through Heart While Skating With Friends, Dec. 27, 1924

Child Killed by Gun Shot. . . Skating on Street When Struck by Bullet

By the Associated Press

Salisbury, Dec. 27—An inquest into the death of Martha Jones, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Jones of this city, wo died as a result of being shot through the heat by a .22 rifle bullet this afternoon while skating with a number of other children, will be held tomorrow morning, it was announced here tonight by Coroner T.W. Summersett.

Physicians thought that the child fell while skating and burst a blood vessel, causing death, until the bullet hole was found while the body was being undressed at a local undertaking establishment.

The children with whom the girl was playing when she met her death were too frightened to give a clear account of the tragedy.

After the bullet was found, one of them said she was fastening her skates when she suddenly arose to resume skating, clasped her hands over her breast and said: “Something popped,” and fell over She was dead before anyone reached her.

Occupants of a passing car carried her into a neighbor’s house, while physicians were summoned.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Dec. 28, 1924

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