
Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Social Notes from the Franklin Press, Dec. 26, 1924

Mr. W.H. Sanders who has been living at Eugene, Oregon, for the past two years, was here on a visit to homefolks the latter part of last week. Mr. Sanders has been engaged in the lumber business in the west. On his return, he will live at Seattle instead of Eugene.

Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Patten and Mr. R.M. Patten arrived in Franklin Monday from Buckner to spend the holidays with Mr. Patten’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Patten.

Mr. Frederick Sloan, who has been attending North Carolina State College at Raleigh, arrived last Friday to spend the holidays with his family. He has enjoyed greeting his old friends.

Dr. S.H. Lyle of Franklin, N.C., paid Clayton a professional visit last Monday. –Clayton (Ga.,) Tribune

All the Macon county people who are engaged on road work near Buckner will return to their homes for holidays.

Mr. G.J. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Johnston, is home from Emory University to spend the holidays with his family.

Mr. Dick Jones, who has been attending the University of North Carolina, is with home folks for the holidays.

Mr. D. Robert Davis was operated on at the Angel hospital last Friday. Latest information is to the effect that she is getting along nicely.

From the front page 6 of The Franklin Press, Friday, December 26, 1924

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