
Friday, December 13, 2024

Special Judge for Lt. Gov. Cooper and His Son and Brother, Facing Charges in Failure of Wilmington Bank, Dec. 14, 1924

Special Term for Coopers. . . Judge Luse to Hold Term in February

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, Dec. 12—A special criminal term of federal court will be held at Wilmington the second week in February to try cases arising out of the failure of the Commercial National Bank of Wilmington, according to tentative arrangements announced here tonight by District Attorney Irvin D. Tucker. Lieutenant Governor W.B. Cooper, his son, Horace C. Cooper, his brother, Thomas E. Cooper, and Clyde Lassiter are under indictment in connection with the bank’s failure. United States Judge Claude Z. Luse of Wisconsin will preside over the special term, according to Mr. Tucker, if the plans as now arranged are carried through.

A resident judge for the eastern district of North Carolina probably will be appointed by President Coolidge before the convening of the special term of court, it was stated, but he will have his hands full with a congested civil docket and it is believed the arrangement to bring Judge Luse to the state for the trial will be carried through.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, December 14, 1924

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