Coach: Bernard H. Arbogast, former star athlete at Washington and Lee University.
Manager: E.R. Pression, ‘16
Captain: Fred Brummitt
Bonner Boger, 21, 212 pounds, left tackle
Fred Brummitt, 23, 187 pounds, center and fullback
Ray Carpenter, 19, 175 pounds, rear guard
Sidney Croy, 20, 185 pounds, left guard
Horace Clemens, 21, 170 pounds, halfback
Richard Eavens, 19, 139 pounds, backfield
Everette Cocbol, 19, 139 pounds, backfield
Marshall Hampton, 20,157 pounds, right end
Fleet Hinson, 21, 156 pounds, end
*Okle Jones, 23, 195 pounds, fullback
*Nathan Jones, 20, 150 pounds, line
Theodore Jervis, 21, 172 pounds, right tackle
*Cornelius Kuykendall, 20, 145 pounds, quarterback
Sam Lemond, 19, 175 pounds, halfback
Emory Lyda, 19, 170, center and halfback
Steve Presson, 20, 140 pounds, halfback
Carroll Sorell,18, 152 pounds, line
Leon Warlick, 19, 138 pounds, end
D.B. Williamson, 18, 158, line
Marvin Widenhouse, 18, 148 pounds, line
*Not expected back for 1925.
From page 2 of The Weaver Pep, Weaverville, N.C., December 15, 1924
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