
Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Penny Column--Early Want Ads in Concord, Dec. 13, 1924

Penny Column

Electricity Taught by Experts, Earn while you learn at home. Electrical Books and Proof Lessons free. Satisfaction guaranteed and position secured. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke, 2144 Lawrence Ave., Chicago.

Get a Taxi. Call 392. Get a Safety coach. Call 392 for information. Peck’s Taxi Service.

Phone 510 and 525 for Fresh Pork sausage, stuffed country style, fresh pork ribs and backbones, nice dressed chickens, fresh country eggs, and butter. Chas. C. Graeber.

Wanted—Several High-Power Salesmen to sell cold patches. Samples free. Write J.T. Blair Co., Nashville, Tenn.

Wanted—Every Family in Concord, to get a good radio set. Concord Telephone Company.

For Rent—Two, Three or Four Horse farm. Atlas Hahn, Mt. Pleasant, N.C.

$5 Hats for $2 and $3. New Black Satin Hats $1.95. Miss Brachen’s Bonnet Shop.

For Sale—Six-Room House on Marsh street, adjoining N.A. Archibald and Chief of Police Talbert. See J.B. Sherrill.

Home-Made Mints For Sale, Phone Your orders to 491L.

For Rent or For Sale—One Five Room house on North Kerr street. Phone 623J. J.L. Shaffer.

Headquarters for Xmas Presents and toys, C.G. Heilig, Mt. Pleasant.

For Rent—5 Room House. Phone 328R. P.G. Cook.

Oranges, Oranges, Grapefruit and Tangerines. We have a car at Southern depot, extra nice hand picked. Go to the car or phone 565, we deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company.

Oranges, 50 Cents Peck, Grapefruit 50 cents peck, tangerines $1 a peck, the nicest fruit we have had in years. Phone us, we deliver. Ed. M. Cook Company.

Oyster and Noodle Supper Tonight From 6:30 to 10:30 by the Junior Philathen Class in Baraca room at Protestant Church. Public invited to attend.

Choice Cuts of Native Spring Lamb and veal. Phone 510 and 525, Chas. C. Graeber.

Call 815 for Fresh and Cured Meats, oysters, king mackerel and scaled fish, Query and Mabery.

For Rent—Five Room House on Simpson Street. $10 per month. Phone 506L.

Fresh Fish, Speckled Trout and Mackerel steak, nice selected oysters. Phone 510 and 525. Chas. C. Graeber.

Full Line of Fireworks For Sale at The Railroad Underpass, on Kannapolis Road.

Hand Painted China Dolls, Handkerchiefs, fancy goods, Miss Brachen.

Beautiful Underwear at Reasonable prices. Call Mrs. Lineberger at the Duffy Bonnet Shop.

Wanted—To Install a Private Sewerage system in your home. Septic tank of reinforced concrete and absolutely guaranteed by Hatley Concrete Works. For prices write G.W. Melton, Agent, Albemarle, N.C.

The Girls and Boys Will Be Home For Christmas. Have your piano tuned. Call Mr. Page, phone 76.

From page 2 of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Dec. 13, 1924

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