
Sunday, December 29, 2024

Trial of Sam Brantley, Charged with Murdering Father-in-Law Rev. Pearson, Set for Dec. 31, 1924

Brantley Trial Set for Dec. 31. . . Young White Man Faces Charge of Murdering Father-in-Law Rev. Ennis Pearson of Taylor’s Township; Case Postponed Two Weeks Ago

Sam Brantley, white, charged with the murder of his father-in-law Rev. Ennis Pearson on July 21, 1921, will be given a preliminary hearing on Wednesday morning before Justice of the Peace W.R. Wood. The case was formerly slated for trial two weeks ago and postponed on account of the illness of the star witness for the State.

The shooting of the preacher and happenings surrounding the affair are expected to reveal some interesting incidents when unraveled in the course of the preliminary trial. Brantley denies his guilt and claims his innocence while the State is said to have witnesses to whom Brantley is said to have confessed the crime.

From the front page of the Wilson Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1924

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