
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Yellow Jacket Paper Attacks Catholic Church, Jan. 1, 1925

Admit Pope Above State

For 15 years we have been warning Americans that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, having deserted any semblance of true Christian worship for world politics, is out to make America Catholic, put the Pope on the throne as the world’s supreme ruler, and reprieve humanity of constitutional freedom. Every time we have accused, the priests have denied, and gone ahead with their Papal program to throttle American liberty of conscience and free speech and press.

We have cited history to prove that the Roman Church is a preposterous mummery, enthroning autocracy, winking at vice, indulging in crime, promoting scandals and venality for priestly power and gain, usurping authority, imperiling justice, dominating courts and misapplying justice. Rome itself boasts that it never changes, and therefore by its own confession what it has perpetrated against other nations and governments it proposed to repeat in the United States—once it gets in control politically as it is rapidly trying to do.

France is the latest European government to come to its reason and forever throw off the Papist bondage. For the first time in its history it has elected a protestant president, and orders have been issued by Premier (lines obscured)

Then what happened?

The Pope, thru Bishop Duparc, his local “prince,” staged a great Catholic “demonstration” against the French government, thousands of Roman Catholics wearing weird costumes marching in line and shouting against the “Anti-Catholic” government. The People, too imbecilic not to comprehend that the Soviets are against all religions and would destroy even the ”Holy” Church as soon as they get the whip hand, sanctions this antipatriotic demonstration, and Bishop Duparc uses this significant suggestions:

“When human law”—meaning, of course, any state regulations that haven’t the Pope’s brand of approval—“is in contradiction of divine law”—which, of course, is law that the People issues from his 11,000-room bachelor apartments on the river Tiber in Rome—“It is to the divine law that we owe obedience.”

Now there it is, as plain as the warts on the horned toad.

The Roman Catholic Church officially admits all that The Yellow Jacket has ever charged against it, as being unpatriotic, unsuited to republican form of government, and unsafe in any country with a free constitution.

Now if you don’t want to see the Pope’s “princes” riding rough-shod over the Stars and Stripes in this land of freemen, we call upon you to help us put the facts before every American citizen by sending us a rousing club of subs [subscriptions] for The Yellow Jacket for 1925, during which time we propose to swat this infernal Papal nonsense with some of the hottest stuff that ever exuded from our 100 per cent American press.

Got get ‘em this day, and watch us put crimps in the priestly petticoats.

From the front page of The Yellow Jacket, Moravian Falls, N.C., January, 1924

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