
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Blue Ridge Tea Room Opening Feb. 3, 1925

Miss Margaret Weltner of Chicago Will Manage New Blue Ridge Tea Room

On Tuesday, February 3, Tryon will witness the opening of one of Western North Carolina’s most attractive as well as exclusive tea rooms, both from the point of service and the excellence of its food. The new enterprise will be known as the Blue Ridge Tea Room, operated in connection with the Blue Ridge Weavers, whose fame has spread to every State in the Union and abroad.

This attractive place is designed similar to a roof garden, being of brick construction, and an extension of the main floor.

It is divided into three rooms. The larger tea room, as one enters from the gift shop; the alcove room for private entertaining; and the splendidly equipped kitchen, fitted to satisfy even the most capricious appetite.

The beautiful mountain view from the five broad windows which form the west wall of the larger room is continued in the private dining room from windows on both west and the north. On clear days, guests may enjoy their food while looking out on Shunkawauken Falls, 12 miles across the valley.

Preparation has not been lacking in the arrangement of detail, and hand made furniture, products of our mountain people, will be used throughout the rooms in its natural unfished state. This feature consists of tables, chairs, screens, and wicker shades, for the suspended lights. With the purpose in view of making the table service particularly attractive, the old Indian Tree design with other unique and adorable bits of china and pottery, was selected. The same motif is followed in the draperies, and snowy linen and dainty silver will also be employed.

Feathery sprays of long leaf pine in wicker baskets, artistic hooked rugs, and native pottery will add to the typical mountain atmosphere.

Mr. and Mrs. George Cathey known this section over as “George” and “Miss Sally”—as host and hostess, will be assisted by Miss Margaret Weltner, who has, during her brief stay in the valley, gained a name and fame as a caterer unexcelled. Miss Weltner, a native of Hungary, had several years’ experience in her chosen profession in France and other foreign countries. She is thoroughly versed in the art of foreign cookery, and before coming to Tryon had charge of the Y.W. work in Chicago. Since October, she has been Mrs. George Woolson’s assistant at the Agnes Jane Tea Room at Floral Knoll.

The Blue Ridge Tea Room is prepared to serve luncheons, cater to dinner parties, supper parties, hot waffle and chicken ”spreads” every day in the week, and at all hours. Martha Washington and White Oak Mountain candies, the latter made famous through its originator, Mrs. Wm. Ludium, will be offered fresh at all times. On short previous notice, a most elaborate formal dinner, chop suey supper, or any unusual service can be given.

Between the hours of 3 and 6 on the opening day, the public is most cordially invited to drop in and become acquainted.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Jan. 29, 1925

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