
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Call Paper If You Want to Organize a Local Semi-Pro Baseball Club, Jan. 29, 1925

Shall Tryon Have Baseball During the Coming Summer. . . Semi-Pro Club Can Be Organized if Support is Forthcoming. Fast Teams in the Carolinas Assure Hard-Fought Games. In Order to Hold Visitors, They Must be Amused. Many Fans in Polk County.

That golf is a popular pastime goes without saying. Thousands of people all over America play it regularly, and yet the immense stadiums owned and operated by professional baseball clubs have never been empty because of the call of the green.

Americans love action and baseball above all other sports provides it in plenty. The crack of hickory on horsehide will always draw its crowds. The snappy spirited fight of two well matched teams cannot be surpassed as a means of entertaining a crowd.

Tryon has from time to time supported independent baseball clubs. The success of these teams has varied with the ability of their management. Fans demand real baseball, and us have it if the club is to be a financial success.

The coming season will find thousands of people coming to the Blue Ridge who never were here before. The opening of Route “A” from Chicago to Miami will bring many more tourists over the Appalachian Highway.

They stop where they can find amusement, and a good baseball team will help hold many of them in Tryon. It will also keep a lot of Polk County people at home for the week ends which were spent in Spartanburg and Asheville last summer because of baseball.

There is a suitable location for a park. Some money spent in rebuilding stands will make it answer for the coming season. Equipment is necessary, and that too requires an outlay of capital. Independent players assured these things can be induced to spend the summer in Tryon, depending upon the gate receipts to sustain the team.

There are fast teams in all of the nearby towns. A good schedule can be worked out and a sterling brand of the great American game assured.

If Polk County wants to see baseball at home it can be managed. If they had rather motor to other cities, they can do that.

Those interested in maintaining a team this summer will make an organized effort to secure the backing of the business concerns of the community Their efforts should be encouraged—and probably will.

If we are to have baseball, it is time to get started. In a few months summer will be on us and then it will be too late to begin. Those interested in a movement to establish a club wearing the Tryon uniform are requested to send in their names to the Editor of the News.

Does Tryon WANT baseball? We wonder!

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Jan. 29, 1925

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