
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Chapel Hill Neighborhood Notes, Jan. 22, 1925

Neighborhood Notes

Mr. and Mrs. F.O. Bowman came up from Raleigh to stay over Sunday.

Mrs. W.T. Toy gave a birthday party Friday afternoon. About a dozen of her friends were present.

The announcement of the birth of a son to Worth Daniels reached Chapel Hill a few days ago. He is named Wroth Bagley Daniels Jr. The father, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Daniels, is an alumnus of the University.

Mrs. Justice goes to Baltimore this week.

Carter Dalton of High Point, a student in the University 20 years ago, was here the other day for the Beta Theta Pi initiations.

Mrs. Schwartz, Mrs. Steiner’s mother, came home Saturday afternoon after a stay of several weeks in the North.

F.H. Edminster, who underwent an operation in Baltimore a few weeks ago, is home again.

Mrs. Vivian Guion and her two sons are here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. M.W. Daniel.

Col. and Mrs. Pratt leave this week to spend some time in Florida. Jo Pratt has gone to the Asheville School for the rest of the school year.

Mrs. F.H. Koch and her youngest child, the six-months-old Julian, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. B.U. Brooks in Durham.

Hubert Heffner Jr. was born in Lincolnton a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Heffner were married in Chapel Hill three years ago. She was Miss Ruth Penny.

Dr. Rainey Parker, brother-in-law of W.P. Jordan, was a guest of the Jordan family last week.

Mrs. S.L. Herndon and her daughter were called to Morganton suddenly last Saturday by the serious illness of Mrs. Herndon’s sister, Mrs. Callie Taylor.

Dolph Tilley came up from Birmingham, Alabama, for a day or two last week.

James C. Taylor, who was for many years cashier of the Bank of Chapel Hill and who now lives in Morganton, was in town the other day.

From page 3 of The Chapel Hill Weekly, Thursday, Jan. 22, 1925

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