
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Cullasaja News in the Franklin Press, Jan.30 1925

Cullasaja News

Mr. Will Bryson is at work at Walnut Creek.

Miss Hester Gregory from Walnut Creek was a welcome visitor on Stanfield Branch one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Russell from Smokemont, N.C., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Russell at Cullasaja, N.C.

We are sorry to report Miss Mary Watkins on the sick list.

There is lots of chicken pox in this part of the country now.

Mr. Fred McGuire who has been at Philadelphia for some time is at home again.

Mr. Taylor Bryson from Franklin was the guest of his parents last Sunday.

Messrs. Prichard and Dewey Russell returned home from Senburst, N.C., Saturday.

Miss Mary Bryson was the guest of Mrs. A.J. Evins last week.

Mrs. Huldah Holland and little daughter, Mary, were the guest of Mrs. Ruth Holland.

From the front page of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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