
Friday, January 24, 2025

Frank Hunsucker, 52, Dies After Auto Hit Him, Jan. 24, 1925

Dies as Result of Automobile Injury. . . Frank Hunsucker, Veteran of the Spanish-American War, Passes at Mooresville

Mooresville, Jan. 24—Frank Hunsucker, aged 52 years, died at his home on College street as the result of injuries received last Saturday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile. He had started hunting and when reaching a point on the Charlotte road near Canup’s filling station, a friend in a car stopped on the west side of the road and hailed Hunsucker, who attempted to cross to the car when Willie Christie, a jitney driver, attempted to go around the standing car and struck the man, but did not run over him. His head was badly cut on the headlights and the skull was probably fractured when his head struck the hard road bed.

Deceased was a native of Cabarrus county and is a son of William Hunsucker, 96-year-old farmer of number four township, that county. At the outbreak of the war with Spain, Hunsucker volunteered as a member of Company L, 1st N.C. regiment, and went with that company to Cuba under Col. Armfield. He was a valued employe of the Mooresville Cotton Mills and had been here for a long number of years.

He is survived by his widow and four young children. Three brothers survive, Sam and Lloyd Hunsucker of Cabarrus, and John Hunsucker of Spartanburg, S.C.

Funeral and burial services were held at Rock Hill, S.C., this morning, following a short service at the home here.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Jan. 24, 1925

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