
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Franklin's First Monthly Farmers Day Was Success, Jan. 30, 1925

Big Attendance at Farmers Day. . . The Town Was Filled with Farmers on First of a Series of Similar Monthly Occasions

Last Saturday the town was filled with farmers from all sections of the county who braved the almost impassable roads to be present at the first Farmers Day ever held in Franklin. It is seldom indeed that one sees such a large number of people in Frankin at the same time. The sidewalks were crowded and the stores that had advertised certain articles at cost were filled with those who were taking advantage of the exceptional opportunities to replenish their larders or wearing apparel. It was a great day for the farmers and a great day for Franklin.

This was the first of a series of similar monthly occasions. Evidence was plentiful that these Farmers Days are going to be the means of bringing the country and town people closer together. If no other result is accomplished, the efforts will be well worth the time of County Agent Arrendale who is solely responsible for the unique idea.

While the program last Saturday was not extensive as it will in the future, nevertheless the farmers voted it as one well worth while. Regardless of any set program, occasions of this kind are always beneficial in that way they give the farmers and their families an opportunity of seeing their friends and relatives from other sections of the county, to dispose of their surplus farm products and to buy at cost staple foods and other necessities of life. However, Mr. Arrendale intends on each occasion to have interesting programs arranged, and it will be of benefit to the farmers to come in and see and hear matters pertaining to all kinds of farm activities.

From the front page of The Franklin Press, Jan. 30, 1925

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