
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Irene Woodley Became Bride of Otis Poole, Jan. 2, 1925


A wedding of much interest to a large number of friends in Jackson Springs and throughout North and South Carolina was solemnized on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of the bride’s father, Hon. E.J. Woodley, when Miss Irene Woodley became the bride of Mr. Otis Poole. Prior to the ceremony Miss Azile Clark sang “Until” very beautifully.

The parlor was beautifully decorated and only the families of the bride and groom and a few intimate friends witnessed the ceremony.

To the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin the bride and groom entered the parlor where their pastor, Rev. R.G. Matheson met them and joined them in the holy bonds of matrimony using the beautiful and imposing ring service.

The bride who was lovely in an ensemble suit of brown moonglow crepe with accessories to match, is the eldest daughter of Hon. And Mrs. E.J. Woodley and is very much beloved by the entire community. She carried white roses and valley lilies. Mr. Poole is the fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Spain Poole, residents of this place, and is a successful peach farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Poole left for Columbia, S.C., for a visit, returning via Fayetteville, where they will visit their aunt, and will be at home to their friends after the 1st of January in the new bungalow owned by the late Mr. Free Ross. The young couple are very popular and have the sincere good wishes of a wide circle of friends.

From page 8 of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Friday, January 2, 1925

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