
Monday, January 27, 2025

Is It Sheriff Taylor or Sheriff Worthington in Kinston? Jan. 28, 1925

Lenoir County Sheriff in Muddle

At Kinston Monday, a term of court was convened by Judge Midyette and two sheriffs appeared to take charge of the court. A.W. Taylor, who has been sheriff four years and in November elected for a two-year term claimed that he was the rightful sheriff although he has never been sworn in the by the commissioners. The county fathers some three weeks ago ousted Taylor, charging that he was indebted to the county in a large sum which Taylor denied. He refused to give up the office and defied the commissioners.

The commissioners appointed Heber Worthington sheriff and he too appeared before the court to take charge.

Taylor has employed former Attorney General Manning to represent him and will contest the case in the courts.

From the front page of The North Wilkesboro Hustler, Jan. 28, 1925


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