
Monday, January 20, 2025

John C. Henry Opening Hatchery in Wilkes County, Jan. 21, 1925

Wilkes County to Have Hatchery—J.C. Henry

A chicken hatchery, something new for Wilkes county. Mr. John C. Henry, for many years one of our leading merchants, is sole owner, manager and instigator of the new enterprise.

The hatchery is located on Seventh street. Mr. Henry is building a modern building for the business in which a mammoth incubator, with a capacity of 2,300 eggs, is being installed. The incubator is so arranged that one-third of the hatch will be received each week. Anywhere from 500 to 600 chicks will be hatched each week, continually through the spring and summer months.

On or about February 15th, Mr. Henry will have baby chicks of single comb Rhode Island Red, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Leghorn and Acona strains for sale. Mr. Henry is agent for a well-known make of brooder and will be glad to demonstrate this to prospective buyers.

There is no reason why Wilkes county should not be the leading poultry county in the State.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1925. The acona strain of chicken mentioned in the article is probably supposed to be the Ancona breed, today considered a heritage breed from Italy.

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