
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

News from Our Neighbors in Columbus, Jan. 29, 1925

Our Neighbors


The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church met with Mrs. Fred W. Blanton last Thursday afternoon. The hostess presented eiach member with a dime together with what it has made to the Ladies Aid Treasury and tell how sue mad the business meeting the Society and what she did. At the conclusion of (the meeting they?) adjourned to meet with Mrs. H.H. Carson Feb. 3rd.


Sheriff R.F. McFarland attended the North Carolina Sheriff’s Convention in Raleigh last week and while there visited his son, John McFarland, a student at N.C. State College.


Guy Davenport, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davenport who enlisted in the Navy last fall and since that time has been stationed at Hampton Roads, Va., is at home on a two-week furlough, at the end of which time he will report for duty at Charleston, S.C.


The many friends of Mr. D.W. McChesney are glad to see him out again after having been confined to his home for several weeks with lagrippe.


Mrs. J.W. McIntosh and little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, spent the week end in Asheville.


Mr. Miles McClellan of Monroe, who is an expert mechanic, has accepted a position with the Sikes Motor Company.


Among those from Columbus who attended the oyster supper and entertainment given by the Masons of the Mill Spring lodge Friday night were: Rev. and Mrs. S.A. Stroup, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Hutchison, Mr. J.R. Sams, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McIntosh and Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Blanton.


Celebrating her sixth birthday, little Miss Mary Elizabeth McIntosh was hostess to 15 of her little friends last Friday afternoon, January 23rd. It was a happy group of children who gathered in the cheerful living room, and for an hour and a half engaged in various games conducted by Mrs. McIntosh. Following the playtime, the children were led into the dining room where the table was the center of attraction, decorated as it was with the two-tiered birthday cake with its six candles burning brightly. At each child’s place at the table were favors consisting of lollipops dressed in crepe paper dresses. Delicious refreshments of whipped cream, jello, and cake were served to the following: Misses Evelyn Landis, Coy Smith, Katie Cobb, Opal Cloud, Jeanette Hutchison, Evelyn Walker, Helen Ormand, Mary Lillian Blanton, Evelyn Ormand, Masters Walden Wilson, Clarence Davenport, Charles Carson, Hugh Hill and Jackson Carson.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Jan. 29, 1925

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