
Friday, January 24, 2025

Simple Rules for Long Life from Dr. George Meylan, Jan. 24, 1925

Simple Rules for Long Life

Dr. George L. Meylan, professor of physical education and medical director of Columbia University, says the man who reaches the age of 20 with sound health decides whether he will live to be 60 or 80. It is just as easy for the average man to live 80 years as 60 years, Dr. Meylan thinks, and he gives the following simple rules for those persons who would like to prolong their lives:

Eat enough—but not too much.

Play enough—but not too much.

Sleep enough.

Work as hard as you please.

Don’t work when you should be sleeping, playing or eating.

Don’t worry.

Moderation seems to be the keynote of Dr. Meylan’s prescription for old age. He says it is all right to work, but he points out that work has its proper place and must not take the time that should be given to eating, recreation and sleeping. In other words, when the business man leaves the office, he should forget his work. There are men everywhere who go to bed at night planning the work for the yest day. There are men everywhere who take their recreation in a businesslike manner. They make work of it instead of play.

Editorial on page 4 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Jan. 24, 1925

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