
Saturday, January 25, 2025

'Sportograms' by Bill Peacock, Jan. 24, 1925

Sportograms by Bill Peacock

Speaking of long winning stretches, Carolina hasn’t lost but one basketball game for over two years, has won 32 straight games, and has lost only one game out of about the last 60.


The margin of difference between two teams is greater than the score would indicate when one of them loses its captain, goes through an automobile accident, steps out on a strange court as soon as it reaches its destination, and then proceeds to win.


The home court is always an advantage that cannot be overlooked. One former Davidson stat said that he considered it at least a 10-point margin in favor for the Wildcats to play on their own court.


N.C. State has lost her football coach before he had time to get firmly established. “Buck” Shaw, who was teaching the Notre Dame system to the Raleighites, has accepted a position as head coach at the University of Nevada and will got here for the 1925 season.

Unless a man can be found to take up the work where Shaw left off, it will mean that the Technicians have practically lost a year so far as developing a championship team is concerned. It takes about two or three years to drill a system into a squad and for a new man with a different system to come to state would mean another year gone by with little prospects for a winning team.


While winter football practice is on and interest in this fall’s prospects is drawing attention, comes the cheering news that two all-Southern high school players are coming to Carolina. Schwartz, center and captain, and Boyer, quarterback of the all-Southern team, have announced their intention of entering here in the fall.

With Boyer in the backfield and Schwartz in the line, together with other good high and prep school players, the Carolina frosh should be able to give the first year men of other institutions of the Old North State quite a bit of worry in the championship race.

Schwartz is one of the best defensive players that has appeared on a North Carolina gridiron. He seems to divine just where the play is coming and is there and under it. This year he called signals and ran the Charlotte high school team from his place at center. He is a brother of Benny Schwartz, for two years on the wrestling team here.


Carolina has taken one more step forward as a leading institution by putting boxing on as a regular sport. Boxing has been a sport at V.M.I. and Virginia as well as other schools for several years now and should have been before.

Boxing is one of the oldest known forms of athletic competition. It was a favorite with the Greeks who included it among the Olympic games, and is mentioned in literature by Homer and others—a distinction that football and baseball can never attain. Padded gloves were unknown; instead the contestants cesti, which were nothing less than blacks [blocks?] of iron with rawhide strips attached for binding to the hands.


“Mule” Shirley, pride of Carolina, and now with the Washington Senators, is back on the Hill. The “Mule” is taking a daily work-out down in the Tin Can by chasing a basketball around. He will be with us for about three weeks and then goes to Florida to join the World’s champions in spring practice.

From page 4 of The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, N.C., Jan. 24, 1925

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