
Saturday, January 25, 2025

Town Talk from Queens University, Jan. 24, 1925

Town Talk

Everyone must be very busy preparing for the “day of doom,” because I hear very little news just now.

Still, there are one or two casualties, and our special art student who lives on the Random place is among the number. At present she seems be suffering from an attack of heart trouble, due to all reports, to superfluous amount of “Bo.” Auto rides, dinners at the Hotel Charlotte, theatre excursions, and to many “dates,” together with corsages, gifts of cut flowers and the like, are sending our convalescent to a speedy recovery. I fear we are going to lose her; for the temptation to use a lovely week-end bag, beautifully outfitted, which arrived at Christmas time, may prove too strong. Any way we shall watch her progress with much interest.


Our May Queen is very busy these days. “Santa Claus” left her a lovely wrist-watch and she, too, has been attending a good many of the theatrical events in the city, with a mighty fine-looking young man. I heartily approve of her taste, but wonder where the blue-eyed man with the Packard has disappeared. Surely he did not suffer from an attack of faint heart!


Hildred Turner completes a conquest about every week. Her correspondence grows more extensive day by day, and soon the mail man will be compelled to make an extra trip out here, just to bring her letters to Queens.


Do many of us ever see Elizabeth Mather? She is so very elusive, it seems, that one hardly ever gets a chance to talk to her. Do make her acquaintance for she always is most fascinating to meet and ready with interesting bits.


Wayne Dudley is spending some time in New Town, Pa. We miss her lots and hear that she will resume her “activities” before so very long.


Although Elizabeth Williams looks practically a stranger now, we hear that the mail form the theological student comes in on time (many of the town girls know what a fine looking man he is and Elizabeth surely has good taste). We hope to see more of our loyal sophomore when “exams” are over. By the way, Elizabeth, we are very proud of our election to the Blue’s staff. May you live up to our expectations!


Mable Williams is fast recovering from her recent breakdown. She is quite adept at driving “the Ford couple” now, and we look forward to her return.


Eunice Stearnes has begun to do her hair up now. Town Talk desires to know the name of the person who objects to Eunice’s hair being bobbed. Mary Speir also is wearing her hair up now.

From page 3 of Queens Blues, student newspaper for Queens University of Charlotte, Jan. 24, 1925

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