
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Approval Given to Complete Paving Road Between Albemarle and Cabarrus County Line, Feb. 28, 1925

Will Complete the Hard Surface to Cabarrus Line. . . Noll Construction Company Receives Orders to Complete Highway

Albemarle Press

What is good news to Stanly county is that which comes out of Raleigh with definite orders from Mr. Thompson, head of the Noll Construction company, which has the work of hard surfacing the road between Albemarle and the Cabarrus county line, connecting with project No. (?), to complete the 4 ½ miles under which not contract has heretofore existed.

When the contract was placed for the 12 miles now under construction, there was a provision made that if contract could be place for the remaining 4 ½ miles before conclusion of the original contract, figures under the one should apply to the other.

We saw our Mr. C.P. Freeman yesterday, engineer on the project, and he tells us that definite orders have been given to proceed at once on completion of the 16 miles length to the county line. The 12 miles originally let under contract is practically complete, the line is open for travel over its entire length, except an occasional short detour.

There is general satisfaction felt over this order, since to stop short of the county line seemed little short of a hardship.

From page 2 of the Concord Daily Tribune, Feb. 28, 1925

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