
Friday, February 21, 2025

Clifford Uzzle and His Aunt, Mrs. J.T. Holt, Have Died, Feb. 24, 1925

Death Claims Two in Wilson’s Mills. . . Mr. Clifford Uzzle and Mrs. J.T. Holt Pass Away, Deaths Occur Within 12 Hours. . . Of Prominent Family

Wilson’s Mills lost two prominent citizens last week when death claimed Mr. George Clifford Uzzle on Thursday afternoon and Mrs. J.T. Holt early Friday morning. These two estimable citizens were members of the same family, Mrs. Holt being the aunt of Mr. Uzzle.

Mr. Uzzle had been in feeble health for two years, suffering from heart trouble and high blood pressure, but death came almost suddenly Friday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock. About 22 years ago Mr. Uzzle was married to Miss Ola Youngblood and to this unin were born nien children—five girls and four boys: Misses Lucy Gunn, Ola Day, Virginia, Elizabeth and Meta B. Uzzle; Messrs. Robt., Jim, G.C. Jr., and Donald Uzzle. Mr. Uzzle was 47 years of age. He was a son of the late Geo. F. Uzzle. Besides a wife and children, he is survived by two brothers and three sisters: Messrs. Dalma and Leon Uzzle of Wilson’s Mills, Mrs. Wiley Barnes of Raleigh and Misses Harriet and Ellen Uzzle of Wilson’s Mills. For several years he had been a faithful member of the Christian church.

The funeral services were conducted at the home at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon by the pastor of the deceased, Rev. H.S. Hilley of Wilson, assisted by Rev. Geo. E. Cuthrell of Raleigh, and the body was laid to rest in the new cemetery, Mr. Uzzle being the first to be buried there. Beautiful floral designs completely covered the grave. The pall bearers were: Dr. George D. Vick and W. Clarence Harper of Selma; Messrs. Carl K. Parrish and J.E. Parrish of Wilson’s Mills; R.P. Holding, S.D. Jones, N.B. Grantham, and Dr. N.T. Holland of Smithfield.

Mrs. Holt

Mrs. Holt died Friday morning at 4:30 o’clock after a lingering illness. She was 67 years old. When quite young she united with the Christian church at Wilson’s Mills and had since been one of the most faithful and consistent member of her church. She was highly respected and a woman of fine character. Thirty-six years ago she married Mr. J.T. Holt who survives here. She was a sister of the late Geo. F. Uzzle.

The funeral services were conducted at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock by a former pastor, Rev. Lee Saddler of Greensboro, after which she was carried to the new Wilson’s Mills cemetery and tenderly laid to rest. The floral offering was profuse, bearing silent testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held.

The following acted as pall bearers: Messrs. Henry Stephenson, Ed Youngblood, B.A. Turnage, Howard Mitchiner, Oscar Youngblood and Bell Adams.

The bereaved families have the sympathy of many friends in their loss.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday morning, Feb. 24, 1925

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