
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Facts and Comments, Editorial Page, Smithfield Herald, Feb. 3, 1925

Facts and Comments

Dr. William J. Mayo says that the average life-span today is 12 years longer than that of our grandparents. He says that boys and girls can add five years more to this by the observation of well know health rules.


Over 200 persons have been killed in the United States hunting during the past year. The automobile is responsible for the death of 16,000, and the injury of hundreds of thousands. Football, which many parents regard as too dangerous for their sons, seems very safe in comparison with either hunting or automobiling.


From time to time facts and figures are given as to the very large number of Bibles sold. This would seem to be a very fine promise for the future, for there is no doubt that the reading of the Bible will make people better. However, if a little investigation is made, it is found that most people know very little about even the most important passages of the Bible. For instance, the nature of the birth of Christ is regarded by both Catholics and Protestants as of fundamental importance. Yet few people can answer such questions as the following, including graduates of our Christian colleges: In which of the four synoptic Gospels is the story of the birth of Christ told? In which is the story of the shepherds told? In which is the story of the wise men told?


Corporal punishment will be used much less frequently in schools in the future than in the past. There has developed a strong sentiment against corporal punishment in prisons. If the people will not permit it to any great extent for men in prisons, then they will not like for it to be used in schools, unless as a very last resort. Understanding and sympathy and kindness will not enable a teacher to reach all children, but a great many more can be reached and controlled by that method than by the use of force.

Corporal punishment can be used effectively, when nothing else will do, with small children, but when they reach the teens, if they have not been thoroughly taught obedience, whipping rarely does nay good. It is too late then.


From the Editorial page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1925

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