
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Grady Carriker Testing What He's Learned About Durocks, Feb. 26, 1925

Profit in Pure Bred Livestock

Oakboro, Feb. 23—Grady Carriker, a student in vocational agriculture (at) Oakboro high school has determined to show to the Oakboro community that there is profit in pure bred livestock, especially in swine. Grady has just received a very fine Duroc Jersey Gilt from one of the best breeders of Durocs in the east.

The young Gilt is a very promising one. It is almost ideal in conformation, and has every indication that it will develop into one of the finest brood sows of the breed. Grady says that he selected the Duroc Jersey breed because after making a thorough study of the different breeds of swine, he is convinced that the Durocs are better suited to the average farmer’s needs of his community. Some of the outstanding facts in favor of the Duroc, Grady says, are: Large litters, the Durocs far out class all other breeds in having a large percentage of sows having 14 pigs to the litter; another advantage is early maturity large size, and ability to adapt itself to most farm conditions.

Grady is making a careful study of every phase of the management of the young brood sow and carefully planning his project fort the coming year. He says that the first and the most important essential factor for success is scientific feeding. More farmers fail with pure bred livestock because of poor feeding than for any other cause.

From the front page of The Albemarle Press, February 26, 1925

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