
Sunday, February 2, 2025

In Smithfield's Woman's Realm, Feb. 3, 1925

Woman’s Realm. . . Weddings, Club Meetings, Card Parties, Personals. . . Telephone 10

Miss Lucy Mathis spent the week end at her home in Falcon.

Mrs. L.D. Debnam of Selma was in the city yesterday shopping.

Miss Pauline Granger of Wilson spent the week end in the city with Miss Vara Sanders.

Mrs. R.A. Yelverton of the Polenta section was the guest of relatives here Sunday.

Mrs. W.S. Stevens and Master Sefton Stevens spent the week end in Goldsboro with relatives.

Mrs. R.I. Wallace, Mrs. T.C. Henry and Miss Edith Henry visited relatives in Raleigh Sunday.

Mrs. Bertie Smitha, Miss Cathrine Smitha and Mr. Charles Beasley spent Sunday in Holly Springs.

Miss Tama Holt, who is a student of Salem College, spent the week end here with relatives.

Miss Mary Senter of Raleigh spent the week end in the city, the guest of Mrs. N.B. Grantham.

Mr. G.W. Johnson of Coates, has been spending a few days in the city with his daughter, Mrs. John Hamilton.

Mr. Ernest Aycock, a student at U.N.C., spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. Ina Aycock.

Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Davis of Stantonsburg spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gurley.

Mr. C.A. Bailey has resigned his position with the Cotter-Underwood Company and has bought out the undertaking business of Mr. Floyd C. Price at Selma and will make Selma his future home.

Mr. Emmett Turner of Greensboro spent the week end here with his mother, Mrs. L.L. Turner.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Miss Ruth Brown and little Miss Minnie Lee spent Sunday with relatives in Pine Level.

Mr. Frank Skinner, a student of the State University, spent the week end in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Skinner.

Mr. Carr Whitley, a student at Wake Forest, who has been spending a few days at his home near Selma, was in the city yesterday.

Rev. L.I. Faw of Richmond, Va., preached two very inspiring sermons at the Presbyterian church here Sunday.

Mrs. John King of Rockingham spent Friday night in the city with her sister, Mrs. Kirby Rose.

Misses Martha and Louie King and Miss Geneva Wilkerson of Spilona spent Friday night in the city, the guests of Mrs. Kirby Rose.

Misses Lorene Leonard and Jessie Penny spent the week end at Miss Penny’s home near Cary.

Mr. Marvin Woodall, a student of U.N.C. at Chapel Hill, spent the week end in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Woodall.

Mr. Claude Martin of Greensboro spent the week end in the city with his mother, Mrs. Z.R. Martin.

Mrs. C.A. Lane, who has been visiting her son in Wilson, arrived in the city last week to spend some time with her son, Dr. Rosser Lane.

Mr. Frederick Brooks, a student at Wake Forest, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Brooks.

Mr. Robert Turner of New York and Mrs. John McLean Turner and little son, of Raleigh, spent a short while in the city Friday with their grandmother, Mrs. J.P. Emundson.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Copeland and Misses Edwards will regret to learn that they are leaving our city Monday for Goldsboro, where they will make their home.

Mr. and Mrs. L.I. Bass left yesterday for their home in South Boston, Va. Mr. Bass has been on the tobacco market here for the past season.

Mr. W.D. Hood has returned from Charlotte where he attended the meeting of Rexall druggists of North and South Carolina. Mr. Hood was president of the organization last year and presided over the meeting held in

From the women’s page of The Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1925. Last sentence not completed in newspaper.

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