
Monday, February 17, 2025

Items of Local News in the Robesonian, Feb. 19, 1925

Items of Local News

--Mr. J.F. Bullock of Rowland was among the notaries public commissioned by Governor McLean yesterday.

--Mr. G.L. Hensley of Barnesville was among the notaries public commissioned by Governor McLean yesterday.

--Governor A.W. McLean is expected to spend the week-end at his home in Lumberton with Mrs. McLean and the children, arriving some time Saturday.

--A fresh coat of paint applied to the front of the building occupied by Miss Amelia Linghauer has made a great improvement in the appearance of the building.

--Reported for The Robesonian, Miss Willie Wishart of Lumberton was taken to the Hamlet hospital by her sister last Tuesday, where she will take treatment.

--Work of remodeling and rebuilding the front of the Gough building on South Elm street is progressing nicely. This building was formerly occupied by the King Grocery Company.

--Mrs. I.L. McGill, who is attending the university of North Carolina where she will receive this spring the M.A. degree, spent the week-end here with friends and relatives.

--Mr. J. Julius Scott left Tuesday morning for Raleigh, where he entered King’s business college. Mr. Scott for the past two years has been employed as salesman for M.K.M. Biggs.

--Mr. Henry Blake of R. 5 from Lumberton left this week for the Swananoah Training school in the Western part of the state, where he will spend several weeks studying different methods of farming.

--Mr. C.H. Hooker of New Haven, Conn., is a guest at the Lorraine and will spend a few weeks in Lumberton. He spent three months last year at the Baker sanatorium and became very much attached to that institution and to Lumberton.

--The Woman’s Missionary Society of Chestnut Methodist church will serve dinner to members of the Robeson County Teachers Association Saturday at the high school building. The proceeds will go to benefit the club.

--Mr. A.W. Meshaw arrived here yesterday from Duke University, Durham, where he is a law student, and will spend a few days here doing some special work for Governor McLean, for whom he has worked before and since he has been a student at Duke.

--Mr. T.W. Maxwell of Howellville township opened a general merchandise store in one of the Deese buildings recently completed on West Fourth street. Mr. J. Newman has also moved into one of these buildings with a line of ready-to-wear clothing.

--Miss Lillian McCaskey returned yesterday to Salisbury after spending two weeks here on observation work of maternity and hygiene carried on by the Robeson county health department. Miss McCaskey will take up this special work in Rowan county.

--Reported for The Robesonian, Mr. M.J. Abbott and wife and little daughter motored from Lexington to Lumberton Sunday on a visit to Mr. Abbott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Abbott. Also Mr. Jay Abbott, the younger son of Mr. Abbott, came with them. They left Wednesday on their return to Lexington.

--Mr. and Mrs. A.E. White have returned home after several weeks sojourn in Miami, Fla., to which place they went after a visit to the Rio Grande valley in Texas, where Mr. White invested in land. Mr. White is pleased with his Texas purchase and tells mighty interesting things about the Rio Grande valley and Florida, but he’s glad to get back to good old Robeson, where he expects to continue to live, making occasional visits to his Texas farm and his Florida orange grove.

----Dr. and Mrs. G. Blair Jennings and little daughter, Mildred, returned Monday from Greensboro, where they spent several days with friends and relatives. They were accompanied by Dr. G.H. McDowell of Greensboro, who will spend a few days here as their guest.

--Building permits have been issued by Fire Chief Ed. J. Glover for the following: M.A. Geddie for remodeling and general improvement to his ice plant on Elizabeth road, $3,500; Mr. John T. Biggs, a bungalow on the corner of Ninth and Pine streets to cost approximately $3,000; Mr. John C. Fuller, a filling station and grocery store on the corner of Elizabeth road and Pine street; M.J.M. Prevatt, a bungalow on North Pine street to cost approximately $3,000.

From the front page of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1925

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