
Friday, February 21, 2025

Modern Hospital Just $15,000 Away, Says Editor, Feb. 24, 1925

A Modern Hospital at Smithfield

One of Johnston County’s greatest needs is a modern hospital. A movement to this end was launched last fall. While its development has not been magical by any means, it has kept moving steadily along until it is ow apparent that the building will take form within the nest 60 or 90 days.

Dr. W.J.B. Orr who came here last October to take charge of the hospital has, by the assistance of other public spirited citizens of the county, carried the work far enough to insure its completion. A site near Smithfield on the Selma road has been secured and architects have rendered plans and estimate costs. The plans call for a building with a capacity for about 35 patients. This building will cost something like $50,000. Most of this amount has been secured but there still remains about $15,000 to be raised before the work can e started. Dr. Orr who has had recent conference with dealers in building materials, gives out the information that considerable expense can be saved in building supplies if the contracts can be closed within the next 30 days. Accordingly a final drive for the needed $15,000 is now about to be made. This drive will be sponsored in Smithfield by a committee from the local Kiwanis Club.

This community has reached the point where a hospital is almost a necessity. The present institution has proved its worth and with anew building modernly equipped the field of service will be broadened. The case is highly meritorious and it is hoped that the response in the drive will be liberal.

From the editorial page of The Smithfield Herald, Feb. 24, 1925

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