
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Town and Country, News from North Wilkesboro and the County, Feb. 25, 1925

Town and County. . . Local Items of Interest

Mrs. Manda Deal died at the home of her nephew, Mr. C.P. Brock of Pores Knob, last Sunday night at the age of 80 years. She was the widow of the late Calvin Deal of Alexander county. The funeral and burial was at Kocky (Rocky?) Springs Baptist church Monday in Alexander county.

Postmaster Linney of Wilkesboro has recently recovered from an attack of grip. The Wilkes Poultry Association will meet at the Commercial Club Rooms on Friday, March 6th.

Dr. F.H. Gilreath, who has been confined to his room for several days with a severe cold, is able to be out again.

Mrs. Sallie Prevett of Raleigh and Mrs. J.B. Council of Jefferson spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. McNeill, in Wilkerson, who has been quite ill.

Lawyer Robt. H. McNeill of Washington, D.C., spent Sunday to Monday afternoon visiting his mother, Mrs. M. McNill, in Wilkesboro, returning from Florida.

Wilkes Superior court will convene Monday, March 2nd, with Judge W.f. Harding presiding. Large crowds are expected to attend the first two or three days of court. Solicitor J.J. Hayes will prosecute the docket.

The following attended the Presbyterian conference from the North Wilkesboro Presbyterian church held in Greensboro on the 19th and 20th: Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Finley, Mr. A.A. Finley, Rev. C.W. Robinson, Misses Bissie Finley and Elizabeth Pilson.

The Wilkes creamery is contemplating putting on two or three cream routes in the county in spring, their aim being to double the capacity of butter this year by gathering cream from points in the county and adjoining counties were but very little cream is now being secured.

Elkin Tribune, Feb. 19th: The erection of a modern plaining mill in Elkin, which will be completely equipped and ready for operation within the next 60 or 90 days was announced here today by J.C. Smoot Jr., president of the Carolina Lumber Company with the main office at North Wilkesboro.

Dr. J.M. Flippin of Pittsboro county, Oklahoma, has instituted suit from there for divorce from his first wife. It will be recalled that Dr. Flippin secured a divorce from his wife in Forsyth superior court in November, 1923. Early last year, through affidavits secured by Mrs. Flippin, the divorce was set aside by Judge Bryson, who was presiding over that term of court. Soon after securing his divorce, Dr. Flippin married Miss Ida Boyd o Ronda, says a Winston-Salem dispatch.

Mr. J.B. Brown of R.F.D. 2 was in town last Wednesday. His son, John Brown, who lives in Winston-Salem, had a new baby arrival at his home last week. Mrs. P.J. Brown has recently been very unwell.

Mrs. J.P. Rousseau has returned to her home in Wilkesboro after having spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. Nellie Cheves in Atlanta.

Mrs. Sam’l J. Jennings of Wilkesboro, who was very sick last week, was thought to improved, friends will be glad to learn.

The rain that began falling Mondy set back the prospects of plowing in Wilkes.

From the front page of The North Wilkesboro Hustler, Feb. 25, 1925. Son spelled last name McNeill and his mother spelled it McNill?

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