
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dock Hill Held for Killing Sam Barbour and Injuring Hyman Dodd, March 10, 1925

Sam Barbour Dead; Hyman Dodd Hurt. . . Dock Hill Charged with the Shooting, Gives Himself Up to the Officers. . . Inquest Held Yesterday

An occurrence which came near being a double tragedy took place in the Baptist Center section of Clayton township Sunday night about 10:30 o’clock when Sam Barbour was shot and killed and his companion, Hyman Dodd, shot but not seriously wounded.

Coroner C.Q. Stephenson was notified and early yesterday morning an inquest was held at which the conclusion was reached that Barbour came to his death by a gun in the hands of Dock Hill. The following jury was sworn in and heard the evidence: D.U. Thompson, A.M. Barbour, Porter Duncan, J.C. Hardee, and Willis Hardee.

Two witnesses were examined: A.T. Canaday and Charlie Harrison, these men being the first on the scene after hearing the shots. Both live near the home of Dock Hill, where the tragedy occurred.

According to our information, Barbour and Dodd, both of whom lived in Clayton township, drove up to the home of Hill Sunday night and Hill went out to talk with them. Hill was said to be under the influence of liquor. His dog, so the story goes, barked at the visitors, and they kicked at the dog. This apparently did not sit well with Hill, who is said to have gone into the house and procured his gun. He fired the gun twice, the first shot, a full load of No. 6 shot, taking effect in Barbour’s breast. The second shot wounded Dod in the thigh and arm.

Barbour was about 28 years old and Dodd 24 or 25.

Hill gave himself up to the officers and his case will be given a hearing today before Judge Bond to determine whether he shall be placed under a bond or retained in jail. Hill is a man 50-odd years old, is married and has several children.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, March 10, 1925

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